
As marketers, we have been striving to communicate with consumers in the way that they all prefer. In fact, marketing these days is turning out to be increasingly consumer-driven. Say, for example, that with the rise of social media, marketing brands would communicate directly with their consumers, developing the products that would sell, and essentially turn out to be product creators. Studies have shown that 80% of the online user’s content is user-generated, and content would come from a customer’s peers. Marketers would here require advocates who could buzz about their products and services, increasingly receiving information about brands from their social connections. Given here are the 7 major tips that would help organizations get the most out of their CRM system.

#1. Creating a CRM Champion Program:

For a team of CRM champions to promote and advocate for the new CRM program, think of the champions as your cheer squad. Lean on them in order to define and implement the data quality standards, share key messages from your communication plan on the peer-to-peer level, and last but not least, develop recommended best practices prior to 2–6 months after going live.

#2. Knowing your audience:

Look at your complete universe of contacts; these could be previous inquiries, newsletter subscribers who haven’t transacted, retailers, lapsed members, and last but not least, current customers. One of the most important things for you to decide here is what groups you have so that you can start thinking about which CRM solution tool is appropriate for your organization. Without customers, you are nowhere, so try and conceive your program to be customer-centric, as it’s the customer’s experience at every interaction you would want to optimize.

#3. Providing relevant content:

Great content is not only a great way to resonate with your target audience, but you should also take time to understand the clients and customers you have been dealing with. Research all the challenges faced by them and get out content that speaks directly to them wherever and whenever they prefer. Doing this would help you enhance your reach with great ease.

#4. Being helpful to your clients and customers:

Have your presence created in social communities so that you can help your customers with great ease. Spend time crafting genuinely helpful replies rather than just dropping down the links all over the place. Building a stronger relationship would help you carry your business forward at a rapid pace. It is critical that you are helping individuals rather than focusing on driving traffic and metrics.

#5. Posting about things other than your brand:

While dealing with CRM software for your organization, make sure that your posts aren’t all about the company or industry you have been dealing with, although those are important too. When you venture out of your unusual topics once in a while, it does make others feel comfortable being them, as you are turning out to be yourself too. Share great posts by other industry leaders touching upon relevant news and issues. It’s always good when you try to keep your content interesting enough so that people do not begin to lose interest.  Try to keep your audience coming back for more.

#6. Properly training the users:

It’s common for business organizations to cut down on the training budget, but one of the biggest mistakes is that this significantly impacts user adoption. Let’s take this into consideration: why would someone spend millions of dollars configuring and implementing a new solution and then cutting back on the funding to train the users on how they could actually use it? So design and develop training around the day-to-day lives of your end users. You would want to involve a variety of business processes and training scenarios addressing how business organizations or the user group could use the solutions in an effective and efficient manner.

So do you have any tips on how you could increase CRM end-user adoption? If so, please do share them by leaving the comments below.