SEO Practices

Search engine optimization, or SEO, as it is more commonly known, has undergone many changes over the years.  Pigeon, phantom, mobilegeddon, hummingbird are some of the search algorithms launched by Google almost every year.

You have to change your SEO tactics if you wish to make the most of the new algorithm set by Google. The year is only a few months away, and you need to be well prepared so that you can spearhead the SEO department towards success in the coming year!


Audit the site framework.

When you audit the site, you will get a fair idea of why it is not faring well. What are the reasons for its low ranking, why are consumers not visiting the site, and so on? Now the question arises: how do you go about it?

  • Visit QuickSprout, mention your site URL in the search box, and start auditing.
  • Analyze your site’s performance.
  • Make the necessary changes.

Data Research via End User Value.


How many times during the day do you depend on Google to search for relevant information? Innumerable times, right? Every tool, design, and platform created by Google has been done to collect as much relevant data as possible with respect to the users needs.

In a similar note, you too need to take into account your clients feedback, the requirements and needs of your target audience, and then create the relevant content. At the end of the day, it is the target audience that decides which data to share and use.

Accordingly, create the content on a regular basis if you wish to get the desired results.


Create More Optimized Landing pages.

A well-designed landing page is all it takes. But sadly, most B2B companies forget this. They end up redirecting the user to the homepage. Well, the homepage is useful, but the landing page is that much different.

  • Creating the landing page ensures that you have more avenues for search traffic.
  • Statistics show that 44% of clicks in a B2B site redirect the user to the homepage.


Make your site responsive and mobile-friendly.

In the previous 2 years, mobile search queries have had a 5x growth rate. Do we need to say more?

  • 67% buy a product or use a service if the site is mobile-friendly!
  • 50% of mobile searches lead to purchases!
  • 48% of users feel disheartened if the site is not mobile-friendly!
  • 40% of users opted for a competitor site after they encountered a poor mobile-friendly website!


Double your infographic power.

One of the simplest and best ways to increase your company’s search traffic is through an infographic. Sadly, many still fail to understand the potential of infographics!

  • There has been an 800% increase in the demand for infographics in the last 2 years. This trend will continue even in future.
  • The human mind processes images 60,000 times faster than plain text!
  • Did you know that 90% of the information that the human mind processes is visual in nature?