Web Design

There are potentially hundreds of different factors that can affect the user experience of a website. There’s a type of code that’s used on the site. The amount of picture or video content. The type of browser the user is using. Even the age of the code can make a difference.

Thus, web design isn’t straightforward by any means. It’s something that’s complicated and changing all the time. The following are some mind-blowing facts about web design that few people know about.

You Still Have To Pay If You Want Good Web Design

According to Incion, you can buy a great website from anywhere between $500 and $5,000. And when you think about it, that sounds about right. Web design is a complicated business. Designers have to consider the layout, the underlying code and the SEO of the site. It’s not as simple as just cutting and pasting content. It all has to be weaved together, almost artistically.

Web designers don’t just go with any old template builder, either. They use their own sophisticated software packages, which allow them to deliver a wider range of functions to their clients.

Images Don’t Always Positively Impact Your Site

Images and videos are great tools with which to drive people to your site and create interest. But sometimes these images can cause problems. The biggest issue is slow loading times. If your images aren’t optimized for website or use old tech like Flash, they won’t load quickly. And if they don’t load quickly, visitors will have a bad experience. If you run a blog or a business, this means that people are less likely to return to your site.

Most professionals have now moved over the HTML5. And more and more people are choosing graphical content that has been optimized for the web.

Code Matters

At the root of all websites is code. It’s the language that defines it.

But sometimes, the code itself can let a website down. Why? Well, it’s often the case that the code that makes a website beautiful is not the code that gives it high rankings on Google. Website code, therefore, is important for attracting the attention of search engines.

But web code is also important for determining how search engine results appear. If the code is bad, search engines won’t return page titles and beautiful descriptions. They’ll return ugly titles and missing or irrelevant descriptions. And this will ultimately take its toll on traffic to your site.

Websites Age Very Quickly

As discussed, things in the digital space change very quickly. We see new search algorithms on a regular basis. We see constant changes to web design and coding standards. And we see regular changes to the myriad browsers out there, not least Microsoft’s new foray; Edge. As a result, even a website that’s only 18 months old might be out of date.

Not keeping up with these changes is potentially very serious. A lack of website compatibility means that your site risks not appearing in search results. And your website also runs the risk of not being displayed properly on different browsers.