Social media allows us to behave in ways that we are hardwired for in the first place – as humans. We can get frank recommendations from other humans instead of from faceless companies.― Francois Gossieaux,

To gain positive exposure through the current social media, e.g Facebook, Twitter, Google+Instagram, etc. one has several ways to get positive exposure.

1. Making sure you have and are using your social account

This is very helpful as you will be able to do your things through the account and you can reach too many people out there in social media as they can look out for your account and learn more about you.

2. Post stuff and content regularly

Most people have specific time when they log in their social accounts. Thus, you ought to make sure that you keep updating them while they are online at different times.

3. Post valuable contents in social platforms

This can help you get so many people following you as they are interested in your topics and contents. This can make you gain brand names advertisements being posted in your account or may be requested to advertise them. You can even earn from such ads being posted through your account.

4. Follow great-minded people

When following people, follow potential clients and friends. This can have much more effects to your account, as some will promote your page and will be following your post commenting on them, liking them, or even sharing in their accounts.

5. Engage in conversation with clients and friends

This will help you get exposed to opportunities that some clients or maybe your friends have for you. Don’t ignore when they start conversation no matter how busy you may be. This shows that your care and you appreciate their support .Especially if you are running a page which you are paid either through the adverts you do.

6. Use pictures

The use of picture portrays the kind of person running the social account. The kind of pictures you post can help you gain many follower and help you earn some cash with ease. Pictures also have the power to capture attention to those people piping your account and they end up getting some post that were of benefit to their day to day living.

7. Being helpful

Posting things that are helpful to you followers is a great positive thing on your social media. You can post health issues to your follower advising them on the current health issues. This make the social users to visit your account regularly to read more about your post and get updated on the current issues on various matter.

8. Being relevant

This means that the contents you post in your account go hand in hand with the account name. This apply to when your have a page; the content being posted should be relevant to the purpose of the page so that your followers can have confidence in your posts.

In conclusion, one should create a positive exposure of yourself or the firm represented on social media to the fullest so as to garner followers and potential clients if the account is all about business or a company. Thus, positive exposure on social media is much needed so as to portray good image of yourself or the firm.