
Starting a new business is exciting. You are your own boss, and you really have a limitless potential in terms of how big you grow your operation. As an entrepreneur, you have defined your niche and you know what you are good at. You now want to turn that talent into a business that is profitable and sustainable for the long term. To do that, you will want to rely on emerging technologies that are designed to not only streamline your operations, but make you money as well. Here are five tech tools that every new entrepreneur should know about.

Automated Accounting Tools

Any business needs to keep accurate financial records, particularly when it comes to income and expenses. If you are still doing this by the paper and pencil method, you are wasting your time. Use online tools such as that found at to get the assistance that you need to do this right.

Resources to Outsource Jobs

As an entrepreneur, you want to focus on what you do best. For other jobs, you want to delegate to others. This does not mean that you need to hire employees. That is an added expense that you may not need. Instead, use sites such as Fiverr to outsource jobs to qualified and experienced freelancers. You pay by the job, freeing up your payroll budget.

Touch Screen Point of Sale Systems

When customers come to buy your products or services, you will want a touch-screen POS system in order to streamline the process. This will move customers through the line much more quickly, and it will automate your sales for the day. This is a way of making your record keeping more automated and easy to keep track of over time. It also keeps you customers happier as well.

Automated Payment Solutions

Many businesses today bill clients and customers for online payment. If that is you, then you will want to use an automated payment solution. This is a way of automatically sending out payment reminders to your customers, and providing them with an easy way to pay you. In the end, you will get paid much more quickly and with far less work on your part.

Customer Relationship Management Software

As you begin to grow your business, your client list will grow. It is important that you have an automated way of keep tracking of customer data so that you can better market to them and take care of their needs in the future. A customer relationship management software product will do that for you.

These five tools alone will help you to automate your business, giving you more time to focus on what you do the best. This is how you grow a business. Put technology to work for you and watch the results follow.